[EXP3 FINAL] UT Model + Sketchup Model + Screenshots

OVERVIEWMy three spaces are designed for t clients: Zhang Yin, located above the bridge, Stevejobs, under the bridge, and the dining/meeting area is also below the bridge. The spaces are designed to evoke a sense of power suiting each client's personality.

Zhang Yin

Zhang Yin's space is designed to bring a sense of harmony and balance to the space. While the space itself is large and the walls are curved to give one a sense of intimidation as he/she walks through it, the space itself is partly open air to avoid claustrophobia. And while the reception area and the stairs are large spaces, the client's actual private studio is relatively small and cosy, reflecting her down-to-earth and humble personality. From above the space can be seen to symbolize that of a dragon, or the Yin-Yang symbol of balance, all of which I believe will strike an emotional chord with the client.

Steve Jobs

Steve Job's more demanding and aggressive personality is expressed in the abstract deconstructivist style I used for his studio. The jagged and assymetric shapes represent his unique individuality that he is so famous for. While the exterior and some of the interior may seem more bold and striking, his private studio is relatively warm and sleek, designed to be a quiet but modern working area to formulate ideas.

Dining Area

The dining area uses elements from both client's studios to fuse a meeting and social space that is suitable for everyone. Bright colours are used to accentuate Steve Job's personality and charisma but the structure of the area is built in a clean, modern and minimalistic style that would suit Zhang Yin's personality well too.

SketchUp Model ( 2 elevators + dining table)

The dining table expresses a deviation from what is normal from the upturned leg; it expresses the individuality, uniqueness, and even boldness that a powerful individual would want. The lifts are based on perspective sketches.

Final UT Model

Direct link to final UT model
Direct link to final SketchUp model
For all UT models


How my MashUp relates to Power:
Using different sized fonts, and different colours, I sought to symbolize individuality in my MashUp. Power symbolizes a distinct individual seperate from the rest, while individuality can represent power.

Donatella Versace: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/23/fashion/23POSS.html
Zhang Yin: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2006-10/13/content_707587.htm
Steve Jobs: http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?sec=technology&res=9D00E3DB123AF936A15757C0A9629C8B63

Zhang Yin Keywords draft ideas


*Curvy elongated geometries that promote a sense of balance and harmony.
*The shape of the space can represent both the Yin-Yang symbol of harmonious balance, or the shape of a dragon (a name of her company).
*Added detail and ornament to symbolize her defiance away from tradition.
*A more enclosed space that is more soothing, yet has open air areas. Although her studio is high up above the bridge, the enclosed space makes her feel less powerful (she is a very humble and down-to-earth person).

EXP2 - Final UT2004 Model (Screenshots + model link)


My spaces were designed for two clients: Jane Goodall and Stephen Hawking. Using quotes from each of these clients I designed two seperate labs for them which are interconnected by an 'in-between space' that can be used as a meeting space. Ramps were placed in much of the spaces to allow for ease of passage. In terms of level, Jane Goodall's lab is 'underground', the meeting space is inbetween while Stephen Hawking's lab is just directly above part of the meeting space.

The Meeting Space

The meeting space can be divided into two parts. The larger open air area is basically the main meeting space for congregation, speeches or tours. A custom drawn dark texture was used on the walls here.
Going down the stairs/ramps will lead you to the second part, which is a covered area. The end of the room has a large window to allow natural lighting. The larger ramp leads up to Stephen Hawking's lab, which is the overhanging 'box' you can see in the screenshot.

Stephen Hawking's Lab
Since Stephen Hawking is a thereotical physicist, he has to spend alot of time doing calculations or thought experiments, and therefore needs a quieter and smaller space to work in. With this in mind, I designed his lab to be on the second level, a small lab that is cosy with warm lighting. A larger window on the left allows him to look down into the meeting spaces so the lab won't feel too claustrophobic.
With the choice of texture, I has his quote 'I don't believe that the ultimate theory will come by steady work along existing lines. We need something new.' in mind. Thus I created a custom texture in my sketchbook using light, large-spaced lines. This texture is used in his lab.

Jane Goodall's Lab
Jane Goodall's lab was designed to be larger with more natural decorations, since she loves working in the open and with nature. Thus flowing water walls were added to her lab, and natural pool areas. Her lab is also considerably larger than Stephen Hawking's lab, because considering the nature of her work, she probably wouldn't like claustrophobic spaces.
I also used a custom drawn texture in her lab, made of hundreds of individual lines running down the walls. This is in relation to her quote 'Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference.' Each line represents an individual; all different.

Filefront - Model Download:

For all versions of the UT model

Direct link to final UT model

EXP1 - Final Sketchup Model



Main entry is above ground, however upon entry an underground walkway takes you through the steep slope into the studio 1 areas. The theme in studio 1 is walk, and is for artist Nolan. Two sets of stairs take you up to the exhibition space. A third set of stairs takes you to the second studio 2, which is for the artist Piccinini. More information on the themes and stairs can be viewed below.

Exterior from side

Bird's eye view
You can see that much of the roofing is made of clear glass, to provide natural sunlight. Even when the sun is low during sunrise, the large window at the side near the front of the building provides sunlight, while the rest of the day the larger skylight at the roof of the building will catch the sunlight. I think this is a good way to save energy on lighting, and heating during winter.


Studio 1 - Nolan. Theme: walk
In the design for the studio for Nolan, which is below ground, I decided that the best way to represent the word 'walk' was for the room to possess a sense of visual movement and dynamic energy; nothing could be seen as static in the room. So I created a custom tedture using some vectors I found on the internet, and added some transparency and brightness to it so that back lighting could give the room more ambience and energy.I also painted the walls in warm red and pink colours. In conclusion, what I wanted for this studio was for it to be lively and energetic, and always moving, and I think the colours and the curvy flow of the wall spaces represent that.

Studio 1 - Piccinini. Theme:animal
Much of Piccinini's artworks deal with the natural beasts and animals of the world, whether or not they look far-fetched or comical. I wanted to bring her fascination of nature into her studio, through the theme 'animal'. Again here I used a custom texture, consisting of tiled zebra stripes that closely resemble that of a zebra, while managing to retain an artistic form. The walls and floor are giving a matching earthy color to accentuate the natural, 'jungle' feel to this studio.

Exhibition Space, and stairs to Studio 2
The exhibition space lies directly above the skylight, and is surrounded by a glass cylinder through the centre of the space. I think this will give a visual sense of vastness. Natural lighting from the skylight adds to the sense of being outdoors. The large spaces allow much artwork to be displayed easily.
THe stairs on the left curve all the way round the sides of the interior, up to a final landing which leads to studio 2 (Piccinini).

Stairs from lobby to Studio 1 / exhibition space entry
This is the first set of stairs that visitors will see as they enter from the underground walkway on the right, so it had to look as good as possible. The stairs are contained within a glass cylinder and a short spiral staircase takes you up to the first level.

The SketchUp model can be downloaded from Google Warehouse here.

Week 3 - Further Development

Gallery Space, showing artwork

Stairs to Studio Space 2

Studio Space 2 (Above)

Exhibition Space

Studio Space 1 (Lower)
Sketchup Plans

Sketchup Animation

Week Two - 2 sets of stairs (Independent Study)

Stair 2 - Exhibition Space to Studio:
Since less people would be coming here, I decided to have the staircase design here less sophisticated and more simple but elegant.
A simple glass frame would lead the person down some steps toward the main studio on the left, through glass walls. Strip lighting would help guide the person and illuminate/decorate the interior.

Stair 1 - Above Ground to Exhibition Space:
With the stairs I designed, I decided that it had to be attractive and aesthetic so as to enhance the appeal of the artists work in the area. I used alot of low lighting on the stairs, as well as a glass railing. As you can see the staircase is intended to be quite long so that as the person descends he/she can get a feel of the whole space already as they walk through it. In the background you can see the staircase leading to the studio. Above ground. Entry into the exhibition space is from the left dome with orange lights, however I intended that one would have to walk through the glass walkway into the smaller right dome and then walk out into the left dome. The idea of course is to make the person walk and get a feel of the domes as they walk toward it.

The SketchUp model:
For this week's task I designed three spaces, above ground area, an exhibition space, and a studio. I also designed two seperate staircases, one from above ground into an exhibition gallery, and a smaller staircase from the exhibition gallery into a studio.

For rendering in SketchUp I used VRAY.
As you can see from this sketchup model the three levels shown here are from the very top the above ground space, the exhibition space, and the studio. A closeup of the exhibition space and the studio.

The original section:

The idea behind the drawing is the paw of an animal, while its footprints go underground in the section. The words were 'animal' and walk'.