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My spaces were designed for two clients: Jane Goodall and Stephen Hawking. Using quotes from each of these clients I designed two seperate labs for them which are interconnected by an 'in-between space' that can be used as a meeting space. Ramps were placed in much of the spaces to allow for ease of passage. In terms of level, Jane Goodall's lab is 'underground', the meeting space is inbetween while Stephen Hawking's lab is just directly above part of the meeting space.
The Meeting Space
The meeting space can be divided into two parts. The larger open air area is basically the main meeting space for congregation, speeches or tours. A custom drawn dark texture was used on the walls here.
Going down the stairs/ramps will lead you to the second part, which is a covered area. The end of the room has a large window to allow natural lighting. The larger ramp leads up to Stephen Hawking's lab, which is the overhanging 'box' you can see in the screenshot.
Stephen Hawking's Lab
Since Stephen Hawking is a thereotical physicist, he has to spend alot of time doing calculations or thought experiments, and therefore needs a quieter and smaller space to work in. With this in mind, I designed his lab to be on the second level, a small lab that is cosy with warm lighting. A larger window on the left allows him to look down into the meeting spaces so the lab won't feel too claustrophobic.
With the choice of texture, I has his quote 'I don't believe that the ultimate theory will come by steady work along existing lines. We need something new.' in mind. Thus I created a custom texture in my sketchbook using light, large-spaced lines. This texture is used in his lab.
Jane Goodall's Lab
Jane Goodall's lab was designed to be larger with more natural decorations, since she loves working in the open and with nature. Thus flowing water walls were added to her lab, and natural pool areas. Her lab is also considerably larger than Stephen Hawking's lab, because considering the nature of her work, she probably wouldn't like claustrophobic spaces.
I also used a custom drawn texture in her lab, made of hundreds of individual lines running down the walls. This is in relation to her quote 'Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference.' Each line represents an individual; all different.
Filefront - Model Download:
For all versions of the UT model
Direct link to final UT model
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