theCROSSastheTHRESHOLDacts as a metaphor bridging the church and the library; two important civic buildings with vital functions toward a healthy community. 1. The cross as the threshold of light. The use of the cross is found in the translucent panels of the southern facade which also act to filter glaring mid-morning sun while allowing natural light at all other times. 2. The cross as a threshold for circulation. A cross concrete structure is found in the middle of the building acting as a threshold for circulation paths; one can walk through four points in the cross to access different areas. LIGHTINGfortheCUBEin the west was devised by drawing a diagonal line down from an axonometric perspective, and cutting openings into the cube into this line. This allowed for interesting light paths to enter the cube and form shadows around the other openings. It also provided a more interesting skylight feature on the third level. The cube itself is made of reinforced concrete, but cladded with translucent white panels similiar to that found in the cross on the facade. MATERIALITYin the design has four basic parts - generic reinforced concrete with white paint, reinforced concrete cladded with ALUCLAD black aluminium panels, translucent glass panels tinted white, and timber flooring with a shiny veneer finish.