[EXP3 FINAL] UT Model + Sketchup Model + Screenshots

OVERVIEWMy three spaces are designed for t clients: Zhang Yin, located above the bridge, Stevejobs, under the bridge, and the dining/meeting area is also below the bridge. The spaces are designed to evoke a sense of power suiting each client's personality.

Zhang Yin

Zhang Yin's space is designed to bring a sense of harmony and balance to the space. While the space itself is large and the walls are curved to give one a sense of intimidation as he/she walks through it, the space itself is partly open air to avoid claustrophobia. And while the reception area and the stairs are large spaces, the client's actual private studio is relatively small and cosy, reflecting her down-to-earth and humble personality. From above the space can be seen to symbolize that of a dragon, or the Yin-Yang symbol of balance, all of which I believe will strike an emotional chord with the client.

Steve Jobs

Steve Job's more demanding and aggressive personality is expressed in the abstract deconstructivist style I used for his studio. The jagged and assymetric shapes represent his unique individuality that he is so famous for. While the exterior and some of the interior may seem more bold and striking, his private studio is relatively warm and sleek, designed to be a quiet but modern working area to formulate ideas.

Dining Area

The dining area uses elements from both client's studios to fuse a meeting and social space that is suitable for everyone. Bright colours are used to accentuate Steve Job's personality and charisma but the structure of the area is built in a clean, modern and minimalistic style that would suit Zhang Yin's personality well too.

SketchUp Model ( 2 elevators + dining table)

The dining table expresses a deviation from what is normal from the upturned leg; it expresses the individuality, uniqueness, and even boldness that a powerful individual would want. The lifts are based on perspective sketches.

Final UT Model

Direct link to final UT model
Direct link to final SketchUp model
For all UT models


How my MashUp relates to Power:
Using different sized fonts, and different colours, I sought to symbolize individuality in my MashUp. Power symbolizes a distinct individual seperate from the rest, while individuality can represent power.

Donatella Versace: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/23/fashion/23POSS.html
Zhang Yin: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2006-10/13/content_707587.htm
Steve Jobs: http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?sec=technology&res=9D00E3DB123AF936A15757C0A9629C8B63

Zhang Yin Keywords draft ideas


*Curvy elongated geometries that promote a sense of balance and harmony.
*The shape of the space can represent both the Yin-Yang symbol of harmonious balance, or the shape of a dragon (a name of her company).
*Added detail and ornament to symbolize her defiance away from tradition.
*A more enclosed space that is more soothing, yet has open air areas. Although her studio is high up above the bridge, the enclosed space makes her feel less powerful (she is a very humble and down-to-earth person).